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Dr. Sunda-Meya



Leader, Scholar, and Bridge-Builder. Dr. Anderson Sunda-Meya brings a unique blend of scientific expertise, educational leadership, 以及他作为e世博esball大学文理学院院长的全球视角. A passionate researcher and dedicated teacher, Dr. Sunda-Meya花了30多年的时间培养跨学科学生对学习的热爱. 他对卓越的追求得到了无数奖项的认可, including Xavier's Norman C. 弗朗西斯教师教学奖和著名的美国物理学会颁发的卓越物理教育奖.

More than just an academic leader, Dr. Sunda-Meya丰富的文化背景使他能够与来自不同背景的学生建立联系. Fluent in multiple languages, 他体现了学院的使命,即培养一个充满活力的知识分子社区,让学生在全球化的世界中茁壮成长. Under Dr. Sunda-Meya's guidance, 文理学院准备继续其卓越的学术和社会责任的遗产.

Dr. Dangale Robinson Meda


Dr. Dangale Meda持有阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(UAB)材料科学工程学士学位。, Birmingham, AL, and a Ph.D. in Materials Science Engineering from Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL.  Dr. 梅达是物理系前兼职教授和讲师 & Dual-Degree Engineering at Xavier University of Louisiana (XULA), and a former Assistant Vice President in the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs at XULA.  Dr. Meda holds several professional certifications including Leadership, Research Development, and Research Administration & Management.

As Assistant Dean, Dr. 梅达是文理学院领导团队的一员,在学术事务的运作方面为院长提供支持.  Areas of responsibility include community outreach, partnership development, supervision, and management of off-site and special programs.  副院长与院长一起管理认证工作, assessment, and strategic planning.  副院长通过协助院长进行机构规划来支持学院, policy formation, and curriculum development. 

As Assistant Dean, Dr. 梅达的工作涉及学院教师的专业发展和艺术学院的整体愿景 & Sciences.  Dr. Meda works towards developing and improving school/college policies, procedures, rules and regulations, and acts as an administrative coordinator for the same with faculty.  她提供领导,以建立和加强内部和跨部门和机构内的其他学院/部门的关系, with commodity/industry groups, alumni, and professional organizations.  She assists with Accreditation, 包括帮助准备SASCOS认证过程的文件, 并与外部教育合作伙伴签订谅解备忘录.

Dr. Meda拥有重要而有效的管理能力,这使她能够提供支持, direction, 以及大学的生产力,以及XULA的教职员工. 

 Originally from Jackson, Alabama, Dr. 梅达目前与丈夫和三个孩子住在新奥尔良地区.

Gerald A. Villavasso, Jr


Gerald Villavasso目前担任路易斯安那州e世博esball大学艺术与科学学院的副院长. As Assistant Dean, 他的职责包括:决定兼职教员和暑期教员的薪酬, analyzing full-time faculty loads and determining overload compensation, managing CAS operational budgets, editing and publishing the annual university catalog, and creating reports for senior administration.

他获得了Xavier University of Louisiana的计算机科学学士学位和the University of New Orleans的工商管理硕士学位.

As a native New Orleanian, 他喜欢参加这座城市提供的各种节日和文化活动.

Dr. Richard Peters


Richard Peters earned a Bsc. (1st Class Honors) from the University of West Indies in Chemistry & Management. 他拥有佩斯大学工商管理硕士学位和博士学位. In Strategic Management from Florida Atlantic University.

Richard目前担任商业部门的管理学副教授和核心课程的教务主任.  他的研究兴趣是企业社会责任和可持续发展(CSRS),重点是社会创新和基督教领导. 他曾在商业相关期刊上发表文章,并在众多国际会议上发表演讲, national, and regional conferences. 他是学术期刊的审稿人和《e世博esball》的副主编. 他也是全球耶稣会案例系列的顾问委员会成员,也是案例研究协会的董事会成员.

他还热衷于为社区和环境带来有影响力的变化. He has worked with colleagues, organizations, 与学生就有关社会责任及可持续发展的问题,一直参与本地及国际推广社会责任及可持续发展的教育及努力. He is a husband, father and remains a proud ‘Trinbagonian’.


Destiny Castillo


Destiny Castillo在新奥尔良大学获得心理学学士学位. 作为一名自豪的校友,她希望把自己的技能和理解带到e世博esball大学. 目前,她担任文理学院的行政助理. As the EA, Destiny is the front line to assisting students, visitors, and colleagues who find their way into the Dean's Office. In hopes to better assist and provide a good experience, 命运总是渴望理解和学习是什么让一个人和一个人的环境独一无二. 

作为一个被收养的新奥尔良人,Destiny于2009年在Big Easy扎下了根. 在空闲时间,她喜欢与家人共度时光,寻求新的体验.


Trenika Starks


Trenika Starks是艺术学院研究生项目办公室的项目经理 & Sciences. 在她的职责中,她主要负责监督XULA研究生课程的招生程序. Born and raised in New Orleans, LA, Trenika temporarily relocated to St. Louis, MO, after Hurricane Katrina.  There, she earned her Master’s and B.S. of Business Administration degrees from Fontbonne University. St. 路易斯也是她进入银行业的地方,并在社区发展中找到了她的目标和激情.  

Since then, she has centered and dedicated her entire career, (exceeding 15 years of experience), to serving the underrepresented. With a commitment to service, her goal has, and continues to be to advocate, uplift, educate, and empower those who need it most. 

Trenika is an advocate for equality and justice for the disenfranchised. She is also strongly passionate about financial wellness. Trenika aspires to help build wealth and promote overall success, 通过提供支持和改善获取基本资源和信息的途径. 


Administration Annex, room 209 Xavier University of Louisiana 1 Drexel Drive, Box 113 New Orleans, LA 70125
