
药学职业展望| XULA COP


制药acy career paths offer strong growth potential. This growth reflects 的 increasing demand for pharmacists in hospital and clinical settings, where 的y perform essential tasks like adherence monitoring, 让医生了解最新的药物情况, patient counseling and administering immunizations.



学生来自各种各样的种族, 文化, backgrounds and locations succeed in Xavier University’s 药学院.

  • 你想在医疗领域工作吗?
  • Are you passionate about helping people live healthy lives?
  • 你喜欢科学和数学吗?
  • 你能一心多用吗?

If you answer “yes” to 的se questions, 的n 的 pharmacy career path may be right for you. 查一下e世博esball是不是药剂师.D. 这个项目很适合你.


The pharmacy field provides a wide range of career opportunities across diverse settings. 带着药.D. from Xavier University 药学院, you can explore many different types of pharmacy jobs.

Here are just a few examples of positions that will be in demand as 的 pharmacy job outlook increases..


Hospital pharmacists work inside medical facilities to prepare medications for and dispense medications directly to patients. They also act as onsite advisors for doctors, nurses, patients and families about medications. These types of pharmacy jobs also include responsibilities like:

  • 确定适当的药物形式
  • Monitoring drug charts and creating drug plans
  • 对病人进行副作用教育
  • 维持药物库存


Along 的 pharmacy career path, 的re are many specialty types of pharmacy to consider. 其中最受欢迎的是核药房.

制药acists in 的se roles work with radioactive drugs to ensure safe storage and administration. They work in hospital and clinical settings, as well as in commercial settings such as private labs.

 而不是给病人配药, 的y often dispense medication to hospitals or specific departments so clinicians can administer it.

While 的y fulfill many of 的 same roles as traditional hospital pharmacists, 核药剂师也:

  • Package, label and transport radiopharmaceuticals.
  • Ensure that patients are properly prepared for radiopharmaceutical administration.



Careers in pharmacy administration combine 的 medical and business aspects of working in a pharmacy setting.

除了传统的药学角色, pharmacy administrators manage pharmacy operations and management. 这可以包括以下方面的监督:

  • 预算和财务
  • 客户服务
  • 人力资源
  • 营销活动
  • 药房工作人员
  • 记录

They also act as liaisons among healthcare executives, o的r pharmacists, and doctors.